Welcome to 17 Tips For Learning At Home.
This short course briefly outlines a number of ideas to consider as you create the atmosphere in your home ready for learning.
Do you have a visual timetable? Are you prompting and praising your children, asking ‘why’, being true to what you say? How do you deal with mistakes, focus, breaks, goals, work space, empathy and frustration?
We’ll tackle these topics and more. As you go through the course, take what you need, leave what you don’t. If an idea resonates with you, feel free to use it. If it’s not the right fit for your family, let it go. There’s no pressure.
17 Tips For Learning At Home is all about being prepared for the unexpected. In other words, things to consider that you may not have thought about. If you can think about them now, you may be a little more relaxed if these issues come up.
I trust this course is a blessing to you.
If you’re all set for some ways to get ready for learning, let’s roll!