Homeschool: What Your Teen May Be Thinking


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Welcome to Homeschool: What Your Teen May Be Thinking.

This short course briefly outlines a number of issues your teen may be facing as they transition from regular school to homeschool. 
Teenagers are dealing with a lot even just physically, but moving into the homeschool space can add a few more things to think about. 
Is your teen excited about homeschool? Have they realised they won’t be with their friends each day? Are they an independent worker? 

We’ll tackle these topics and more. As you go through the course, take what you need, leave what you don’t. If an idea resonates with you, feel free to use it. If it’s not the right fit for your family, let it go. There’s no pressure. 
Homeschool: What Your Teen May Be Thinking is all about putting yourself into your teen’s shoes and seeing homeschool from their perspective.
I trust this course is a blessing to you.
If you’re ready to start, let’s roll!